Overture scenery. Vases that will tell the story of Orfeo ed Eurydice are being made in a pottery shop.
Eurydice gets chased by a satyr and is bitten by a snake. Animated Vase.
Orfeo plays his lyre for Eurydice. Animated and Zoomed scene.

Eurydice with the support of an angel marries Orfeo.

Opening funeral scene panorama. Mount Olympus and the Temple to Athena are in the background.

Vase images were projected onto the 3-panel background screens

Temple scene with a village in the valley and Mount Olympus in the background.

The opening scene was panned right to left across the tryptic screens.

The Underworld

Elysium with an opening to the underworld in the rocky foreground.

Orfeo and Eurydice are reunited!

The scene of Orfeo and Eurydice being reunited is emblazoned onto a vase, creating a record in time.